EUTRA "WILD-OFF" Repellent concentrate - 1000ml bottle

SKU: 34601
  • EUTRA WILD-OFF has been used successfully for many years to deter and drive off crows, wild deer, wild boar, birds of prey, martens, foxes, moles and voles. Snails and ants are stopped and diverted with WILD-OFF
  • In forestry, viniculture, agriculture and horticulture, deters crows, pigeons and rodents from freshly sown crops. Construction of barriers to migrating wildlife. The scent and active ingredients of WILD-OFF are recognised by the animals
  • Acting on the vegetative nerve system of the subconscious, these are perceived as an enemy (human) and cause the wildlife to flee
  • WILD-OFF has a long-lasting effect, but should be reapplied after heavy rain
  • WILD-OFF is also extremely effective in small doses and can be applied at any time of the year
  • For the care of graves and flower beds, sprinkle around the area
  • Produced from natural and nature-identical raw materials such as: human perspiration (artificial), essential oils,
    protein compounds, emulsifiers, etc.
Part no. 34601
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