HOT - horizont Trackingsystem

SKU: 81813

         Custom made for Mobile Warning and LED Trailers:
         the new HOrizont Trackingsystem “HOT”!
         By means of the GPRS controlled data recording and transmission system you will know at any time:

  • position of Warning Trailer
  • route of Warning Trailer
  • and most important:
    - the warning sign which is currently displayed or has been displayed on
    - the warning board

    The system does neither require any administration services nor the acquisition of an
    expensive server; it’s just “plug and play”: install the HOT GPRS Box and start working.
    Due to the web based system you can see the relevant data at any Internet access.
    With a minimum of expense and effort you will achieve a maximum of information and thus
  • Easy monitoring, controlling of all warning trailers equipped with a GPRS box
  • Encrypted GPRS data transfer, e.g. by means of a low cost M2M SIM card (machine to machine)
  • Position report and documentation of the distance covered inclusive of speed monitoring
  • Automatic generation of documentations and reports
  • Due to an integrated memory in the GPRS box all relevant surveillance and tracking data are backed up
    even in case the GPRS connection is interrupted
  • Malfunction is transferred via SMS, Voice, e-mail or pager
  • Easy and short term retrofitting of the GPRS box (installation time only 1 h approx.)
Part no. 81813
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Certyfikat ISO 9001:2015
Design and implementation: